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Maintaining Quality Manufacturing Overseas
We pride ourselves on performing above-average work that borders on, and nears perfection. This requires us to work diligently within tight deadlines to fulfill the duties of our cherished clientele. A big difference between us, and other nationally recognized firms is that we don't employ sales personnel. We have found that working with a sales team can often lead to aggressive sales tactics and in some instances, sales of services to clients who are not well-qualified, or whose projects are not technologically feasible.
Not having a sales staff means that our Engineers must put billable work aside, in order to discuss new projects and onboard incoming clients. This is an extremely bespoke process by which
we engage new clients and conversationally organize their thoughts and visualize their business from top to bottom, pointing out process difficulties, manufacturing challenges and solutions, as well as the best ways to move forward.
After this meeting has taken place, a formal quotation for services is presented. We put considerable time and thought into evaluating your product and preparing a highly customized proposal. This time is used to better understand our clients' needs and to ensure our estimate will be accurate and in line with your goals and vision.
We anticipate that our evaluation and proposal will help you clarify your thoughts about your product. Our consultations often give our customers a detailed technical education on how their product could best be made and brought to market, as well as a complete breakdown of the product development process.
We pride ourselves on providing this service for our customers knowing that our competitors do not do this.
Due to tight work deadlines we have found the best way to work with incoming clients is to set aside a billed work session, where we discuss the project in depth, without compromise. The work sessions can be scheduled in-house at our office in Miami, Florida or via Phone / Zoom / WhatsApp / FaceTime or any other messaging app. Please select the applicable service based on your current situation.
Industries We Serve
Ready to Order Services
1 hr
199.99 US dollars2 hr
249.99 US dollars2 hr
349.99 US dollars1 hr
650 US dollars1 hr
750 US dollars1 hr
1,200 US dollars